As with many other gifted artists who have died prematurely, Stig Dagerman’s life and writing has taken on mythic proportions, and continues to generate interest from readers and researchers alike. He continues to be the subject of research from multiple perspectives: philosophical, psychological, political, and journalistic. Researchers have also examined the relationship of his writing to film, and his spectacular success among contemporary audiences in France and Italy.
Dahl, Karin. La réception de l’œvre de Stig Dagerman en France – la consécration d’un écrivain étranger. L’Harmattan, Paris, 2010. ISBN:978-296-11974-1.
Dahl, Karin. La Mythification d’un ecrivain etranger. La reception de l’oeuvre de Stig Dagerman en France et en Italie. University of Gothenburg, 2008.
Perilleux, Georges: Stig Dagerman – Le mythe et l’oeuvre, 1993.
Lotass, Lotta. Freedom Conveyed. Studies in the writings of Stig Dagerman. University of Gothenburg, 2002. Read the abstract.
Perilleux, Georges. Stig Dagerman et l’existentialisme, Societe d’Edition Les Belles Lettres, Paris, 1982.
Cullberg, Johan. Skapar kriser – Strindbergs Inferno och Dagermans. Natur & Kultur, Stockholm, 1992.
I have chosen to study August Strindberg and Stig Dagerman is not only because I much like them as authors. My primary reason is that the former went through a difficult and well-documented midlife crisis that was followed by a powerful creative period, whereas the latter chose to end his life.—Johan Cullberg
Ahlund, Claes. Fallets lag och jagets stjärna. En studie i Stig Dagermans författarskap. Gidlunds Förlag, Stockholm, 1998.
Laitinen, Kerstin. Begärets irrvägar. University of Umeå, Almquist & Wicksell, Stockholm, 1986.
Dahl, Hansen, Ljung: Ångestens hemliga förgreningar. Symposium Bokförlag, Stockholm, 1984.
Press, Natalya: (In Russian) Stig Dagerman and Escapism , includes prose extract “A Thousand Years with God”. Hektor, St. Petersburg, 2009.
Palmquist Karin. Diktaren i verkligheten. Journalisten Stig Dagerman. Federativs, Stockholm, 1989.
Karlsson, Tom. “Stig Dagerman – författaren som anarkist” in Arbetarförfattarna och syndikalismen, Federativs, Stockholm, 1999.
Sandberg, Hans: Den politiske Stig Dagerman. Federativs, Stockholm, 1979.
Dagerman, Lo and Pick, Nancy. Skuggorna vi bär. Norstedts, Stockholm, 2017.
In French and English translation:
L’ombre de Stig Dagerman, Éditions Maurice Nadeau, Paris 2018.
The Writer and the Refugee, Amazon, US, 2019
Werner, Gösta. De Grymma Skuggorna. Norstedts, Stockholm, 1986.
Ekman, Hans-Göran. Stig Dagermans bestarium: en essä. Gidlunds, Stockholm, 2018
Sandberg, Hans. Stig Dagerman Brev. Norstedts, Stockholm, 2002.
Le Manchec, Claude. Stig Dagerman – Lettres choisies. Actes Sud, Paris, 2023.
Sandberg, Hans & Söderhäll, Bengt. Stig Dagerman i ögonblicksbilder. Stig Dagermansällskapet, Gävle, 2003.
Dagerman, Lo. Himlen nära. Norstedts, Stockholm, 2023.
Dagerman, Lo. Heaven Is Near. Two Artists: Love, Loss and a Daughter’s Quest to Understand.
Forthcoming 2025.