
The Game of Truth (Ingen går fri). 1948.

Like The Striver, this play explores themes of self-deception and betrayal. Dagerman very likely had the idea for this play while writing the novel A Burnt Child, and this one he wanted to direct himself. In 1948, he adapted the novel (and made some changes to the story) into the play Ingen går fri (The Game of Truth). With his closest friend, actor/director Bengt Ekerot, playing the lead, Stig Dagerman made his directorial debut (with mixed success) that same year.


1990  Le jeu de la vérité. Directed by Daniel Bresse. Théâtre 14, Paris, France.
1990  Ingen går fri. Directed by Bo Widerberg. Malmö Stadsteater, Sweden.1989Le jeu de la vérité. Directed by Patrick Collet. Théâtre de l’utopie, La Rochelle, France.
1989  Ingen går fri. Directed by Göran Parkrud. Borås Stadsteater, Sweden.1949Ingen går fri. Directed by Stig Dagerman. Malmö Stadsteater, Sweden.

Editions and Translations

  • Swedish: Judasdramer, Norstedts, 1948. Teater 2, Norstedts, 1982.
  • French: L’Arriviste suivi de Le Jeu de la vérité, Actes Sud, 1991.