The Very Last Day (Den yttersta dagen). 1952.
This play bears a close relationship to Dagerman’s last novel Wedding Worries where he returns to his childhood farm and characters to explore themes of redemption. It was written for radio but has been adapted for the stage. The Very Last Day was performed at the Royal Dramatic Theater in Stockholm in 1964.
“I regard the community of small farmers as my most genuine environment, the one I know the best and am forever connected to. The story of The Very Last Day is based on impressions of early childhood when I lived with my grandparents, most of all those of my grandfather who so completely was a father figure to me. When later, he was murdered by a crazed man, it sparked my spiritual awakening and became the most pivotal event of my youth. “
—Stig Dagerman, newspaper interview, Sweden, 1952
- 1964 Den yttersta dagen. Directed by Ulf Palme, Dramaten, Stockholm, Sweden.
1952 Den yttersta dagen. Directed by Bengt Ekerot, Göteborgs Stadsteater, Sweden.
1952 Den yttersta dagen. Directed by Bengt Ekerot for Swedish radio, Sweden. Play is part of the Swedish Radio Library and is regularly re-broadcast.
Editions and Translations
- Swedish: Den yttersta dagen. Swedish Contemporary Plays, Vol. 6, Zindermans, Sweden, 1962. Teater 1, Norstedts, 1982.